First U need a successfully working Arduino IDE install.
Step 0: install linux requirements
I think this packages is automatically installed with arduino ide...
gcc-avr - AVR GNU GCC compiler
binutils-avr - AVR binary tools
avr-libc - AVR C library
avrdude - Firmware uploader
Step 1: install cmake and arduino tools
Step 2: install arduino-cmake
After that download arduino-cmake from here as a zip file.
Step 3: Create the source codes
Create the source directory for your project:
Create a blink.cpp file here.
$ mkdir ~/work/arduino/blink
Copy the code below to this new file.
#include "Arduino.h"
// LED connected to digital pin 13
const int PIN13 = 13;
void setup()
// sets the digital pin as output
pinMode(PIN13, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// Set LED on, wait a second, turn LED off
// then wait one more second
digitalWrite(PIN13, HIGH);
digitalWrite(PIN13, LOW);
Step 4: Create CMakeLists.txt and your Build Directory
$ mkdir ~/work/arduino/blink/build
create a file CMakeLists.txt, and copy the content below to this file:
set(PROJECT_NAME blink)
set(CMAKE_ARDUINO_PATH ~/work/arduino/arduino-cmake-master)
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${CMAKE_ARDUINO_PATH}/cmake/ArduinoToolchain.cmake) # Arduino Toolchain
set(CMAKE_EXTERNAL_LIBS_PATH ~/sketchbook/libraries) # arduino external libs
# Link external libs directories (as Arduino-IDE uses it)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project(${PROJECT_NAME} C CXX)
# find_package(Arduino 1.0 REQUIRED)
# Define your Arduino board (below is for Arduino uno)
# Define the source code
# Define the port for uploading code to the Arduino
set(${PROJECT_NAME}_PORT /dev/ttyACM0)
# Command to generate code arduino firmware (.hex file)
Step 5: Compile and upload your project
$ cd ~/work/arduino/blink/build
$ cmake ..
Then cmake creates the necessary files later enough to use just the make command.
$ make
$ make blink-upload
Compiles and uploads your code, to your arduino dev board.